Cres: Martinšćica-Lubenice

Country: Croatia
Island: Cres
Length: 25 km
Elevation gain: 835 m
Maximum elevation
:  424 m
Technical difficulty: 4/5
Download GPS Track: Cres_Martinšćica_Lubenice
Date of ride: 04.08.2024.
Suitable for E-bike: Yes (preferred)

For a weekend I camped with my family in our new tent which we bought for new camping adventures. We stayed in camp Slatina near Martinšćica. I haven’t had any gpx prepared for ride, so night before I looked on map for some local trails hoping to come out with something interesting. My plan was to visit Lubenice from Martinšćica and then descent back, trying to collect as biggest possible percentage of trails avoiding asphalt road as much as possible.

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MTB Lošinj St.Mikul – Nerezine

Country: Croatia
Mountain: Osoršćica
Length: 20,2 km
Elevation gain: 690 m
Maximum elevation
:  557 m
Technical difficulty: 5/5
Download GPS Track: MTB Osoršćica_sv.Mikul_Nerezine_Cyclotrail
Date of ride: 26.06.2020.
Suitable for E-bike: Yes

Osoršćica is hill on Lošinj island with its highest peak Televrin, 588 meters high. Ivan and I wanted to go in Bosnia for the weekend and had already planned everything , but due to Korona virus lockdown, we changed our plans and chose to explore Cres and Lošinj for three days. Ivan found out for the trail that goes from the peak st. Nicholas (st. Nikola, st. Mikul on local dialect) to Nerezine. Our start was from town Osor, from campsite “Preko mosta”. From there we just followed asphalt road which soon transformed into wide gravel road that leads to peak st. Nicholas. Just few hundred meters before peak, gravel road connects to singletrack trail. Last 100 meters hike&bike is needed due to steep ascent.


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