Velika Planina

Country: Slovenia
Mountain: Velika Planina
Length: 28.31 km (With cable car 29,8 km)
Elevation gain: 1350m (with cable car 2170 m)
Descent: 2170 m
Maximum elevation:  1640 m
Technical difficulty: 5/5
Download GPS Track: Velika Planina_CycloTrail
Date of ride: 27.10.2019.
Suitable for E-bike: Yes

Velika Planina is probably one of the top 5 rides of 2019. and it is the site of few European surviving high mountain herdsmen’s villages where traditional Alpines culture still lives. Its scenic  high plateau is famous for its beauty and landscape. During all year, Velika Planina is accesible by aerial cable car, the bottom cable car station is located in Kamniška Bistrica, next to the Kamp Alpe campsite (here we parked our car, plenty of parking space, and from here we started our route). It took less than 10 minutes to reach upper station in Velika Planina’s Šimnovec area.

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Hahlići – Podkilavac – Mudna dol west ridge

Country: Croatia
Mountain: Grobnik Alps
Length: 27 km
Elevation gain:  1100 m
Maximum elevation: 1150 m
Tehnical difficulty: 3/5
Download GPS Track: Podkilavac_Mudna dol_CycloTrail
Date of ride: 08.03.2020
Suitable for E-bike: Yes

Year and a half ago I visited Mudna dol ridge for the first time, and on this day I finished fifty percent of my plan to visit Mudna dol in all four year seasons. For now I put check mark on winter and autumn. I will visit Mudna dol soon, but this time without bike (hiking through Mudna dol and then back on west or east ridge seems like very good option). Ivan suggested that we should visit Hahlići this weekend and I agreed without hesitation. I did some searching on google, and found some gpx, but there wasn’t any explanation with it, so we didn’t know what to expect of the route.


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