National Park Krka

Country: Croatia
Region: NP Krka
Length: 70 km
Elevation gain: 1350 m
Maximum elevation:  226 m
Technical difficulty: 2/5
Download GPS TrackNP Krka
Date of ride: 02.04.2018.
Suitable for E-bike: Yes

Krka national park is one of the eight national parks in Croatia named after river Krka and situated along its middle lower course.  Due to its special position and the mosaic distribution of various types of habitats, it is characterized by exceptionally rich and varied flora and fauna. After NP Plitvice, NP Krka is the second most visited national park in Croatia. Considering that it was Easter Monday, and that my girlfriend went to France, and that it was to far to travel back home to Nova Gradiška (to visit my parents) from Ploče, the only logical solution was to visit NP Krka, and the next day to see island Čiovo (which will be described in near future:). I booked my apartment in Skorići, which is placed 1,5 km north from Skradin town. I stayed at apartment and my hosts were very nice people who had just started renting, and entering the business so they treated my like a guest, not like a tourist.

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Omiš – Kostanje – Gata – Zakučac

Country: Croatia/ Omiš
Territory: Cetina canyon
Length: 40,4 km
Elevation gain: 856 m
Maximum elevation: 328 m
Tehnical difficulty: 2/5
Download GPS Track: Omiš Kostanje Gata Zakučac
Date of ride: 25.03.2018
Suitable for E-bike: Yes

This route I found on some facebook page and was recommended to me from guys that rode it a few weeks before me. Three years ago, when I was in Makarska for summer vacation, I rode Makarska -Omiš – Makarska entirely on paved road, but very good part of that travel went through this route.

My starting point begins at parking spot in Omiš city, if you are riding this route at anytime except summer you will have no problem finding parking space. Elevation through the first 7 km is not worth mentioning . Then comes some steep ascent (still) on paved road. On 9th km there is a water spring on serpentine. I usually bring big amount of water with me, nevertheless I always take some time to rest near wellspring and fresh up a little bit.


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