Country: Croatia
City/Hill: Dubrovnik/Srđ
Length: 21,3 km
Elevation gain: 495 m
Maximum elevation: 425 m
Tehnical difficulty: 2/5
Download GPS Track: Dubrovnik Srđ
Date of ride: 05.05.2018
Suitable for E-bike: Yes

When I was young, my parents worked in Dubrovnik during summer and they used to take me with them, so I lived there for three years during summer periods. As you see, beside biking and sightseeing I had another motives to visit this ancient town. While I was traveling from Ploče to Dubrovnik I tried to remember some streets, shops, old market and beach where I used to play with my sister. For me, this route is not very attractive, and I think that the beauties that you will see while walking on streets in the old town exceeds the scenes from this route, but Dubrovnik is very crowded during whole year, so this cycling route is perfect escape from crowded spaces and great opportunity to see Dubrovnik from above. You can get there by car, but that is not my cup of tea, and I always appreciate the view more if I make some effort to get to the top.
This time I decided to go on on hill called Srđ that is positioned behind of walled city Dubrovnik. Srđ is part of Dinaric Alps and at it top has large cross and defensive structure built by French during Napoleonic wars.

View on Srđ from old town. I was lucky that it was raining so streets were clear and I could peacefully enjoy in old stone structures that were built hundreds of years ago.

Due to very dense traffic I parked on Jadranska road and there started my route. First 5 km is on paved road. There could be many cars on the road becauseof the tourist so you should be very careful. During the ascend there are many sightseeing points where you can enjoy the view.

After paved road and ascend to the top comes 6 km of unpaved road where you go on east side with new sights on BiH and local hills and mountains. At descent I realized that part of my route in the city I rode in wrong way, so you should probably ride it in opposite way. It was no harm done and it was not my intention because I was not aware that road Druge Dalmatinske Brigade is a one way road until I was already there.
Map of route:
Elevation profile: