Medvednica VTC: Tonchek & Tochkica i Blek Stena

Country: Croatia
Mountain: Medvednica
Length: 17,5 km
Elevation gain: 810 m
Maximum elevation
:  650 m
Technical difficulty: 3/5
Download GPS Track: T&T i Blek Stena_Cyclotrail
Date of ride: 10.04.2021.
Suitable for E-bike: Yes

I remember first time when I visited east part of Medvednica. It was winter, and snow covered everything in Zagreb. We decided to visit Gorščica and it was one of the best and most genuine experiences on Medvednica mountain. At the hut Gorčica we ended with knives in our hands peeling potatoes  with the host who then made us pancakes and he didn’t  want to take any money from us. That was the first time on Medvednica mountain that I felt like I’m in someone’s house and not in a restourant.
Now, concession ended for hosts, but they still give service in smaller hut nearby old shelter. They sell drinks, strudels and best pancakes (for only 5 kunas, which is only 0,65 euros).


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Leustek – trail 57

Country: Croatia
Mountain: Medvednica
Length: 15 km
Elevation gain: 1030 m
Maximum elevation:  950 m
Technical difficulty: 3/5
Download GPS Track: Leustek – 57_Cyclotrail
Date of ride: 20.10.2019.
Suitable for E-bike: Yes

In 2019. , due to a few upgrades taken on upper part, trail 57 was very popular downhill trail for big amount of bikers in Zagreb, and still is. For access we used popular hiking path Leustek trail described in previous routes (for description look other routes on Medvednica ). When reaching the gravel road on leustek path turn right on gravel road and follow the road until reaching Tigrovo oko (little lake) . From there follow the trail that leads to Grofica hut. After reaching paved road follow the Sljeme road, make sure not to go in opposite direction of the road, could be confusing if you find yourself there for the first time. After about 600 meters you’ll see entrance to 57 trail, it is about 150 meters before entrance to popular “BK Opušteno – Enduro trail”.

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