Country: Slovenia
Mountain: Kuželjska stena
Length: 23 km
Elevation gain: 737 m
Maximum elevation: 874 m
Technical difficulty: 3/5
Download GPS Track 1: Kuželjska stena_Cyclotrail
Download GPS Track 2: PM and AM trails_Cyclotrail
Date of ride: 11.06.2020.
Suitable for E-bike: No
Cottage near PM & AM trails in the basin.
But before riding PM & AM trails we went on Kuželjska stena. Start was in Brod na Kupi. We parked our car on parking lot in front of hostel, near border. After crossing the border (be sure to take your passport with you) we turned right and after 2 km we followed road on the left for Jakšiči. Soon after, asphalt road becomes gravel road, and closer to peak there is hike&bike section.
From the top of Kuželjska stena there is open view on river Kupa, and peaks: Risnjak, Veliki Drgomalj, Snježnik and Veliki Snježnik. From here you can se how the landscape of Gorski kotar is covered with trees which hides wild animals such as wild boars, lynxes, bears and wolves. While we were drinking coffee on the balcony of Vjeran cottage he was showing us places where he spoted wolves, bears and boars. Most of these spots were just few meters from his cottage.
View from the top
After short hike a bike downhill we reached the natural stone bridge and enjoyed the view again and pictured this unusual phenomenon. From there soon starts mtb ride till the end. I expected rocky trail, so I was surprised when I realized that trail is fast and flow most of the time with few technical sections that you can jump over if you are familiar with the trail.
On this ride joined us also team from Zagreb (Slavek and Andrej), who like Vjeran also have cottages near Kuželjska stena, so they spend a lot of time here, enjoying the ladscapes, exploring and maintaining local trails. Slavek provided me many times with gpx files and useful data from his rides which I then recorded and shared with you. Andrej also built a trail near his cottage, so we made a promise to come back for inspection.
Not far from here is Kočevje bike park, I’m not into that kind of riding bike, but I heard a lot of good things and recommendations about Kočevje, so if you find yourself there keep in mind that you have bike&hike route nearby that you can ride, and then go back in bike park and go on some rounds.
The day we were riding Kuželjska stena, Andrej, Slavek and Vjeran planned going on exploration route to find some new hidden trails waiting to be found. Andrej (this is another Andrej:)) and me will sure come back to see what they found and to see what new trails has Vjeran built in the meantime…